The Family Center is a central place where you can view and manage all of your family information and reports, and perform family related tasks.
Family QuickView
Family Lists
The Family List is a list of all of the families in your database. By default, the list also includes the family account balance. In large lists, Childcare Manager adds a precision scroll bar to help you locate a name quickly. You can also use mouse wheel scrolling if you have a mouse with this capability. You can filter the Family List so that it displays only those families that meet a specific criteria. The Family List can be filtered by family status, group, source, date of first contact, and account balance. You can find a family by entering the name in the Search by Name box . This feature uses incremental (progressive) search. When you type in a 'W' the program takes you to the first name in the list beginning with a 'W'. When you add an 'e' after the 'W', the program takes you to the first name in the list beginning with 'We'. For more advanced searches you can click the Advanced Search icon.