Automate Your Center's Time & Attendance
for Your Children & Employees

A perfect complement to ChildCare Manager. Automate your attendance records for employees and children. Time Manager allows you to know immediately when a child or employee arrives at or leaves your center. This information is conveniently displayed in the ChildCare Manager's Child & Employee QuickViews, child attendance records, and employee timesheets. Time Manager is as easy to install as it is to use. Setting up takes less than 5 minutes.

Rainbow Childcare
"We are so happy that we implemented Time Manager at our center. Before Time Manager we were checking all the children and staff in with an old and outdated time clock system. This made it difficult on our staff and frustrated our parents. With CCM's Time Manager we can track everyone’s time and attendance quickly and easily and parents can now check their tuition balances. For added security we added CCM’s TimeKlock so we now have SECURE CHECK-IN. We feel safer and our parents are happy knowing that no one can access the center without authorization. Thank Childcare Manager!"
--- Linda Mahoney

In addition to tracking time, parents can check their balances, and employees can check their hours worked. You can track who clocked a child in or out. You will enhance security and give your parents peace of mind by using Time Manager to open/close a secure electronic door with valid access codes.